As all of you likely well know, wineries frequently rely on press, reviews, or scores to promote their wines. We feel these critical bits of information can be very helpful in painting a picture of a winery, vineyard, and the specific wines from each vintage. However, it has never been our way of promoting our winery. We don’t hide from these publications, we just don’t tend to quote, circulate, or focus attention on them. Ultimately, that may be because the scores and descriptions are readily available. Anyone wishing to know those details about any wine can get them with a few ‘clicks’.
While we have been the beneficiaries of some very gracious and generous reviews, there are a handful of comments and events that have been particularly touching for us. The following is a brief list of reactions to our wines that have been both humbling and inspirational to us. During harvest and crush when we may be feeling a little tired these comments remind us our goals and that the extra mile is recognized, appreciated, and best of all- enjoyed.